Effective delegation is one of the most valuable skills you can master but it can be one of the most difficult. However, the skill of delegation can be learned. Effective delegation reduces your workload and develops employee skills. Delegating prepares employees who work for you to be able to handle your responsibilities and simultaneously allows you to advance to other career opportunities within your organization. This workshop will explore many of the facets of delegation: when to delegate, and who to delegate to. We will also go through the delegation process step by step, to see where the pitfalls lie, and what we can do about getting around them.
Levels: Essentials Intermediate Advanced
Course Outline
Module 1: Why Delegate?
Module 2: What Is Delegation?
- Definition
- Background
- The role of delegation in developing a team
- The role of delegation in increasing the effectiveness of the manager
Module 3: Rules Of Delegation
- What is, and is not delegation
- The differences between high and low-quality delegation
- Barriers to effective delegation
- Causes of poor delegation
Module 4: Delegation Opportunities
- When to delegate
- When not to delegate
- Managing delegation
- What cannot be delegated
- What should not be delegated
SAQAUS ID: 15224 – Empower team members through recognizing strengths, encouraging participation in decision making and delegating tasks
Module 5: Picking the Right Person
Module 6: The Delegation Meeting
- The manager as counselor
- Checking progress
- How to offer advice without affecting ‘ownership’
Module 7: Levels of Authority
Module 8: Giving Instructions / The Act of Delegation
- Checking relevant factors
- Briefing, reviews, coaching, and support issues
- Post-delegation activities
Module 9: Communication Skills
Module 10: Monitoring Delegation
Module 11: Practicing Delegation
Module 12: Giving Feedback
Module 13: Becoming a Good Delegator