Our Prepress for Textile Design course is crafted with the unique processes of the discipline in mind. You will learn everything there is to know about how to take great patterns and make them outstanding in Photoshop. Lessons cover a broad range of topics from incorporating hand-drawn illustrations into your workflow through to working with graphic drawing tablets and fixing problem images. This course is aimed at making textile design workflows simpler and faster. Designers who are working with large amounts of images and patterns will benefit from our high-level workflow guidelines. Content is aimed at an intermediate level of proficiency.
Levels: Essentials Intermediate Advanced
Course Outline
Silkscreen design workflows
- Managing content with Adobe Bridge
- Bringing in analog design’s vs digital workflows
- Looking at the Work Area
- Historic textiles
- Creating patterns
- Working with line
- Automation
- Scripting
- Metadata
- Actions
- History Panel
Working with complex selections
- Quick Selection Tool
- Magic Wand Tool
- Combining Multiple Selection Tools
- Rotating and Editing Selections
- Refine edge
- Colour Range
- Quick Mask
- Colour Selections Image Adjustments
- Spot Removal
- Batch Image Processing
- Lens Correction
- Depth of Field
- Superior Black and White Conversion
- Replace Colour
- Shadow / Highlight
- Adjustment Layers
- Smart Objects and Filters
Advanced tips and techniques
- Tricky selections like hair
- Working with Channels
- Using Quick Mask
- Vector tools vs Raster tools
- Vanishing Point
- Digital Paintings and Illustration
- Pattern Making
- Dodge and Burn Techniques
- Retouch and Repair
- Draping
- Content-Aware Healing and Fills
- Liquify Layers
- Border Layers
Colour Enhancements and Controls
- Understanding Image Exposure and Balance
- Tonal values & output
- Image Adjustment Options
- Working with the Adjustments Panel
- Histogram
- Levels
- Curves
- Resolution & Image Size
- Straightening and Cropping
- Using Automatic & Manual Adjustments
- Contrast, Shadows & Highlights, Hue & Saturation
- Removing Colour Casts
- Replacing Colours
- Dodge, Sponge & Burn Tools
- Clone Stamp & Clone Panel
- Spot Healing Brush
- Healing Brush & Patch Tools
- Separate Layer Retouching
- Auto-Align Layers
- Spherical Alignment
- Auto Blend Layers
- Content Aware Healing and Fills
Print Production Guidelines
- Trapping
- Spot Colour Channels
- Colour Separations
- Preparing content for Pre-press
- PDF/X and standards-based printing
- Output considerations and RIPping
- Overprint
- Knockout
- Monotones, Duotones, Tritones and Quadtones
Typographic controls
- Adding Type
- Character & Paragraph Settings
- Create Clipping Masks from Type
- Warping Type
- Type on Path
Brushes and Painting
- Creating Custom Brushes
- Using Brush Tools
- The Mixer Brush